2nd Backend Homework
Goal of this homework is to extend GraphQL API from previous homework with possibility to mutate data. All the resolvers should mutate data in DB, not the mock data.
- API has ability to create new books / authors
- API has ability to update existing books / authors
- API has ability to delete existing books / authors
Deadline: Monday 24/10/2022 - 23:59:59
If you have any problems contact your teacher using MS Teams: Ondřej Kršňák (@krso00) or Tomáš Hodek (@hodt00).
Changes are not shown in playground at all
Don't forget to build code and restart the server.
Once you are finished
- send a link to playground page
- add example queries for all 6 cases
- using MS Teams to: Ondřej Kršňák (@krso00)
Deadline: Monday 24/10/2022 - 23:59:59